We have 2 basic 'divisions' in our offices among the developers:

  • php logo
  • Net Logo copy2

This is the major split. We house people who are strong in fullstack, or just sided into one of the backend technologies above, but we all gladly mix into node.js, there we make peace.

We of course do the front technologies, where we house experts doing 'only' highest quality HTML with finely crafted SEO through schema.org. We do CSS only through SCSS, and we compile in webpack or gulp.

But frontend is no frontend unless you have the JavaScript ninjas and there we take another split into react & Angular. The gaps are wide so you have to take a stance.

Our industry experts are committed to excellence, teamwork and contributing to the technology ecosystem no matter the above mentioned 'splits'. We value collaboration and next-generation software methodologies to build software.

  • react logo2
  • silverstripe logo
  • js2
  • node icon2 copy2
  • php4
  • python logo m2 copy2
  • Net Logo copy2
  • java coffee cup logo1600 copy2