Outsourcing software development for your projects might seem to some as quite a risky issue. There are companies that even waive the benefits of outsourcing, preferring to hire full-time employees and paying extra cost just for that feeling that a project is safe and under control. Nevertheless, the emergence of mobile and cloud technologies is revolutionizing the traditional office. We are witnessing the incredible pace of this change and therefore need to be aware of these handy pointers that ensure the setup of the remote software developer teams is done right.

1. There are no clear expectations set

Starting without a clear idea is generally a bad business practice, but it is especially important to set clear expectations when working with remote teams. Clarity on this point is essential for both sides to be satisfied, and ultimately for successful project completion. For this purpose, it is better to organize daily meetings to discuss performance, progress and tasks. This will help everybody to be on the same page, stay transparent and spot and solve any issues that might affect the project success and completion.

2. Micromanagement

The idea of someone doing the work for you but not being physically present at your premises might be a fertile ground for some companies to think that the remote workers won’t do their best to achieve project goals. While it’s important for managers to control quality and take responsibility for the project outcome, it is even more important to allow your team members take initiative, show their talent, out of the box thinking and suggest creative solutions that are a result of joint effort and brainstorming.

3. Lack of ownership

This might be seen as being at the other side of micromanagement. When team members don’t have a sense of their roles within the team and clear vision of what is expected from them, it can lead to having a team of developers without a clear goal and sense of responsibility. When each team member has a clear vision of their role, but also a freedom to do the tasks in their own way, they will put their heart and soul into the project, stay motivated and loyal.

4. Poor communication

Truth be told, many projects fail due to poor communication. Beside the daily team meetings, it is crucial to create an open door policy, where everyone could approach the management and each other and share their concerns and ideas so everybody has that feeling of a healthy atmosphere and respectful dialogues.

5. Failing to recognize an achievement

Your team was working around the clock to meet the deadline and went out of their way to achieve the project goals. Yet when all was done, no one has actually recognized that all went well and according to the schedule. Failing to recognize an achievement could really affect your team’s motivation and sense of purpose. Done too many times could result in decreased productivity and satisfaction with the work. Make sure not to oversee one’s achievements and organize regular one-on-one feedback sessions to communicate the points of improvement, but also publicly appreciate the ones that deserved it.

If you’re looking to build a remote team abroad, we can help you find and recruit talented developers, and help them stay focused and motivated. FFWD OutsourcingICT provides custom team recruitment, managed office space, and best practices whether you’re putting together a team of two or twenty. You take care of the management, while we take care of back-office hassles like payroll and administration.

Please take a look at the list of available developers, or send us an inquiry if you wish to have a custom selection process.